Did you know that it is very important to take notice of the consistency and colour of your stools a it can tell you a lot about your health?
Let’s take a look at the Bristol Stool Chart and you can determine which category best describes your poop!
Type 1= in this picture stools appear small, separate, hard lumps. This has been in the digestive tract/colon for a long time. A sure sign of constipation! This can result from a low-fibre diet and/or you’re not drinking enough water.
Type 2 = Stools are lumpy and can also indicate constipation.
Type 3 = (considered normal), resembles a sausage with apparent cracks.
Type 4 = (considered normal), still has a sausage look, but is smooth.
Type 5 = This could mean you also need to increase fibre intake.
Type 6 = This may indicate inflammation in the gut and can present as diarrhoea.
Type 7 = This means that it’s moving through the digestive system very quickly. Diarrhoea could be caused by a bacteria or virus. Consult a medical practitioner.