Calories vs Science

Calories vs Science

Is a metabolic approach to weight loss really more effective than calorie restriction?

The number of diet and weight loss alternatives available today is astounding. Every time we pick up a magazine, we’re bombarded with the latest craze in how to magically melt away the fat!

It’s time we learned some basic facts…

Most of us are far more focused on looking great in a new pair of jeans than we are on our health. Afterall, we can’t see all that stuff that’s going on inside, so it’s very easy to ignore. Unfortunately, ‘all that stuff’ will eventually make itself known to you, either through a general health decline, poor skin, lethargy, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol or countless other signs of an unhappy body. 

Everything you’ve read or heard and every program you’ve ever joined has been the same, repackaged version of some variation of cutting calories – special plans to help you eat less! 

As it turns out, excess weight gain is not a calorie issue, it’s a metabolic issue. To this end, it requires a metabolic solution.

Your body has two sources of fuel – glucose (the food we eat) or stored body fat. It can only burn one source at a time and it’s not possible to access your stored fat when insulin is high, as your metabolism is forcing you into ‘storage’ mode. In this state, it’s also common to have dysbiosis (poor gut flora), leptin resistance (the satiety hormone) and many of the common underlying health issues beginning to emerge.

The general aim of this program is to give you the knowledge to understand your body and its unique functions. With knowledge comes power. The power to take control of your body – its shape, its weight and its health – now and forever.

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Fat Loss Projection Report


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Insulin Resistance Risk Calculator


Your diet, a sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep, chronic stress, being overweight and some medications can all contribute to the development of insulin resistance.

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Fat Loss Projection Report


Calculate a realistic timelime to reach your body goals through the Fat Loss Projection report.

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Program Insight


Find out all about the AstonRX programs from one of our consultants. Learn how we use your customised health profile to transform your metabolism, renew energy, improve sleep, restore gut health and trigger rapid fat loss.

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Insulin Resistance Risk Calculator


Your diet, a sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep, chronic stress, being overweight and some medications can all contribute to the development of insulin resistance.

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