Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back?

Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back?

In the journey toward a healthier lifestyle, the roadblocks we often face are not just physical but mental. Among these, our beliefs about health and weight gain play a pivotal role, sometimes acting as chains that bind us to our current state, making us feel disempowered and stuck. It's time to question these beliefs and recognise that we are capable of making positive lifestyle changes and turning our health around, no matter the hurdles we perceive.

One common belief is that our health and weight issues are genetic, implying that we have little to no control over them. While genetics can predispose us to certain conditions, they aren't the sole determining factor of our health. Lifestyle choices have a powerful impact, and adopting healthier habits can mitigate genetic risks significantly. Remember, genetics are the ‘bullet in the gun’ – our lifestyle ‘pulls the trigger’.

Another frequent excuse is "I'm too busy," a belief that suggests there's no room for health in our packed schedules. This perception can be counterproductive, leading us to deprioritise our well-being. The truth is, integrating small, manageable changes into our daily routines can accumulate significant benefits over time, demonstrating that prioritising health is not a matter of time but of commitment. The truth is, we don’t have the luxury of time to ignore our health.

Injuries, too, are often seen as a definitive barrier to exercise and weight management. This belief might stem from a narrow view of what physical activity entails. There are countless ways to stay active, many of which can be adapted to accommodate and even aid in the healing of injuries. Consulting professionals who can tailor activities to your specific needs can open a new path to maintaining an active lifestyle.

Finally, hormonal changes, including the menopause, are commonly cited as insurmountable obstacles to weight management. While it's true that our body changes as we age, these changes don’t make it impossible. Adjustments in diet, exercise, and lifestyle can significantly influence how our bodies respond to these changes. While it’s ‘common’ to gain weight at this time in our life, it’s not our destiny.

The underlying issue with these beliefs isn't their validity, as they do hold elements of truth, but the power we give them over our decisions and actions. By recognising them as challenges to be addressed rather than unchangeable facts, we open ourselves to exploring solutions and alternatives.

It's crucial to approach our health and well-being with a mindset of empowerment rather than resignation. Realising that we have more control over our health than we might think is liberating. It's about shifting the narrative from helplessness to empowerment, understanding that while we may not control every aspect of our health, we can always take steps to improve it. Let's not allow our beliefs to hold us back. Instead, let's challenge them and move forward, one positive change at a time.

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Your diet, a sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep, chronic stress, being overweight and some medications can all contribute to the development of insulin resistance.

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