After hearing that Arnott’s have increased biscuit sales by OVER 30% during iso, we thought it was important to remind you of a few things....


While all the hype at present is about how to avoid contact with the Coronavirus, there are also important steps we can take to boost our immune system to ensure we can fight off the virus should we come into contact…💪💪💪

Our immune system has co-evolved along with a diverse gut flora to create defences against pathogens. The importance of this interaction is clearly highlighted by the fact that 70–80% of the body’s immune cells are found in the gut.😱 Gut microbes get most of their nutrients from our diet and help us digest much of the food we ingest.

Modern diets, particularly those of the Western world, often include high levels of processed foods and low amounts of plant-derived fibres. 🥦🥑🥒🌶🧄And this is exactly the dietary pattern that is being increasingly linked to immune dysfunctions associated with the gut microbiota.


1. Load up on Fibre: All colourful fresh plant foods (at least 5 varieties in each meal), raw nuts & seeds, berries, avocado, additional fibre supplements. 🥦

2. Essential fats: wild-caught fish, flaxseed oil, extra-virgin olive oil 🐟

3. Intermittent fasting: fast for at least 5-6 hours between meals and 12 hours (min) overnight 🤐⌛️🕰

4. Supplements: 💊*L-Glutamine (1-2 teaspoons daily), clear bone broth, Vitamin D (if below 100), daily Probiotic capsule(broad spectrum, high potency), Cod Liver Oil capsules (max. 2/day)., Zinc, Vitamin C, Selenium (50-100mg/day). •Always seek medical advice before adding supplements to your regime*

5. Exercise daily (3 x strength training sessions/week and daily activity, such as walking ... aim for 8-10,000 steps a day 🏋️‍♀️🚴‍♀️

6. Sleep for at least 7-8 hours a night 💤💤 A healthy interaction between our immune system and the gut microbiota is crucial for the maintenance of our body’s health & resilience against disease.

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Your diet, a sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep, chronic stress, being overweight and some medications can all contribute to the development of insulin resistance.

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Insulin Resistance Risk Calculator


Your diet, a sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep, chronic stress, being overweight and some medications can all contribute to the development of insulin resistance.

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