Feeling so much better!

I have always tried to maintain a level of health an well being.

A regular exerciser I still made room for the spoils like occasional wine and cheese. When first wave Covid hit in Melbourne I kept up my fitness and managed my weight. When wave two came and "lockdown" it all went out the window.

Working from home, long hours, no delineation between home and work and the separation from a large, loving and nationally dispersed family just threw me into a spin. End result 7 additional KG's.

I needed to take control back and AstronRX was the vehicle I needed to put in the structure. With all the decisions I make in my daily work life it was great to have a plan and all I needed to do was follow it.

I found the program really easy and could take as much out of the available information or as little as I liked. The forum was a great check in for FAQ's and at the end of 28 days I wanted to loose 5kgs to be realistic I thought. I lost 8.3kgs!

Now moved to the maintenance program and I am looking forward to getting the last bit off to be 10kg lighter than when I started and I don't feel like I have been deprived of anything.

I am clear in my thinking and mindful in my doing! Have not felt this good for some time, I came in to this to drop a couple of Kgs I got so much more. Thanks Donna and Team

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Insulin Resistance Risk Calculator


Your diet, a sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep, chronic stress, being overweight and some medications can all contribute to the development of insulin resistance.

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Fat Loss Projection Report


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Find out all about the AstonRX programs from one of our consultants. Learn how we use your customised health profile to transform your metabolism, renew energy, improve sleep, restore gut health and trigger rapid fat loss.

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Insulin Resistance Risk Calculator


Your diet, a sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep, chronic stress, being overweight and some medications can all contribute to the development of insulin resistance.

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