Bulk Nutrients Electrolyte Capsules
Bulk Nutrients Electrolyte Capsules
  • Members only

Bulk Nutrients Electrolyte Capsules

Prescription required to purchase this supplement

This product is available exclusively to AstonRX members. This is a Practitioner-Grade product, available for individuals under the care of a Practitioner.

If taking any medication, always consult your prescribing physician before adding new dietary supplements to your regime.

Directions for use

Take 4 capsules (3000mg), Electrolyte Caps are best taken directly before or during sessions.

Key Ingredients

Magnesium L-Aspartate, Potassium Gluconate, Sodium Chloride, Calcium Citrate.

Storage information

Keep well sealed, stored away from moisture, light and heat

Nutritional information

Electrolyte Capsules are vegetarian and vegan friendly.

About Bulk Nutrients Electrolyte Capsules

Bulk Nutrients Electrolyte Caps combine all necessary electrolytes Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and Sodium together in a convenient capsule.

Electrolytes are lost during perspiration, so rehydrating with Electrolyte Caps can be beneficial.

In capsule form, these are a compact and convenient way to get significant doses of electrolytes.