Penny's Transformation

Penny's Transformation

Probably not the most glamorous 'after' photo but my 3 year old took it for me, and what I like about it is I have not worn this skirt in 7 years, I grabbed it and the tee and was able to walk out the door and feel ok.


A huge thank you to Donna and the Aston RX team, for an amazing program and supporting us through the month and beyond. I came across the program last year and I knew it would work as I've lost weight (and kept it off till having kids) with Donna before, however I felt guilty doing something for myself.


I'm so glad that you offer payment plans as this was what made me be able to do this for myself. So far I have lost just over 6 kilos with a few more days to go. I hope to get fitter after I finish on the maintenance program. The food is simple and can be delicious, for me prepping 4 days at once made it so easy, I did not use a gym, just a treadmill at home and following a 'fit mum' insta page for weight exercises.

Thank you Aston RX for answering all the questions and putting me back on the path to health and happiness (and fitting into my old clothes).

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Insulin Resistance Risk Calculator


Your diet, a sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep, chronic stress, being overweight and some medications can all contribute to the development of insulin resistance.

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